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Bowen Therapy

Bowen Therapy is a gentle, but powerful soft tissue technique that encourages the body’s natural healing systems through subtle stimulation of precise points on the body.

Bowen use holding points & gentle rolling movements across muscles, fascia, ligaments & tendons to return the body to its natural balance which results in pain relief, improved bodily function & enhanced health & wellbeing. Bowen Therapy engages the fascia to bring on your body’s innate sense of what is right to restore correct functioning.

It is common that we today live in a state of chronic or acute stress. As a result, we get caught in a 'fight and flight' mode. Healing occurs when the body can shift to the 'rest and repair' mode. Bowen Therapy enables this shift

How does it work?

The technique accesses not only the musculo-skeletal framework, but also the fascia, nerves and internal organs. The body’s integrated response can assist in supporting healthy circulation and normal lymphatic drainage and potentially support in the absorption of nutrients and elimination of toxins. Bowen Therapy addresses the entire body by restoring balance via the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

Each move is done at the superficial fascia and affects the relationship between the fascia and the nerve, muscle or tendon that is being worked on. The fascia plays a key role in muscle co-ordination, postural alignment and overall structural and functional integrity.

All of these are negatively affected when the fascia stiffens, contracts or dehydrates. Following a Bowen session it is not uncommon to see adhesions loosen up, scar tissue soften and posture and mobility improve without harsh mobilisation or stretching.

What is fascia and why is it important?

Every single part of your anatomy is covered in and attached by fascia. It is a clingfilm-like material that wraps around all our muscles and organs, providing support and reducing friction during everyday movement. It creates a ‘network’ throughout your body which keeps the body taut, it’s your body’s first line defence against injury as well as the first place health problems or injuries should be treated

Fascia organises muscles into functional units and keep them separate from the surrounding tissue. Scar tissue is made of bunched up, ‘confused' and dehydrated fascia which fills a role by providing injury repair. Bowen therapy helps with this rehabilitation process by regulating these fibres.

Though scar tissue is important for healing, it can cause problems if muscle groups are underused and don’t work together. Fascial sheaths can start to stick together creating adhesions which can then cause the muscles to lose movement and cause stiffness and pain. Lack of activity also causes the one time supple fascia fibres to harden into place and restricts movement even further.

Adhesions can also form within fascial layers as cross connections which can pull bones out of alignment causing bad posture or restricted movement. Poor posture, lack of flexibility and repetitive movements can damage the fascia creating adhesions, which are difficult to break down.

Fascia impacts the way you move physically but it’s also a sense organ which can contract independently of the muscles it surrounds and respond to stress without conscious command. Chronic stress causes the fascia fibres to thicken to protect the underlying muscle.

Good news is that any damage caused to your fascia is often resolved with between one and three Bowen treatments. Releasing fascia allows for increased mobility and blood flow which can relieve pressure on joints and muscles, reducing pain and chronic discomfort.

Get in Touch

For appointments, please call or msg 0416 150 522 or email bbt4552@gmail.com

My treatment rooms are in Avocado Ln, Maleny

Allocate 75 minutes for your first consultation to allow time to discuss your health and treatment plan prior to your session. Follow up appointments typically last 45 mins to an hour where treatment is individually tailored to the need of the client.