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Bowen in sport

Bowen Therapy is getting more and more common by elite athletes. We know that Bowen is great to treat injuries, but it also fills another role in preventative care. Additionally it has been shown to improve recovery times after competition or hard training.

Any musculo-skeletal injury can be treated, and improvement can often be noticed straight after the treatment. Most acute injuries respond quickly and may require up to three treatments, chronic injuries may take a little longer. It can be used prior to, or parallel to any exercise and training programmes. It also helps to achieve a "whole body balance", i.e. that of mind and body, which is also important for results.

Get in Touch

For appointments, please call or msg 0416 150 522 or email bbt4552@gmail.com

My treatment rooms are in Avocado Ln, Maleny

Allocate 75 minutes for your first consultation to allow time to discuss your health and treatment plan prior to your session. Follow up appointments typically last 45 mins to an hour where treatment is individually tailored to the need of the client.